9 Boating Resolutions to Explore for 2023
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Every New Year, many of us set resolutions only to find ourselves falling short. Boaters are no exception to this trend, often setting ambitious goals or underestimating the time it takes for new habits to stick. To assist you in achieving your boating aspirations, we’ve compiled a list of simple and achievable New Year’s resolutions for 2023.

Here are nine suggestions to enhance your boating experience:

Enhance Your Boat Operating Skills

Commit to honing at least one boat-handling skill, whether it’s mastering slip parking or navigating using a compass. Start by revisiting boating basics through informative articles.

Venture Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Challenge yourself by exploring new destinations and cruising past your usual turning points. Consider letting your teenagers take the wheel, ensuring you accompany them for safety. Embrace the vastness of the world around you.

Boost Organization On and Off Your Boat

Similar to regular resolutions, boating goals involve getting organized. Tackle the clutter in your garage or basement, neatly coil lines, stow away personal flotation devices (PFDs), and tidy up your boat’s interior. A well-organized vessel is a sight to behold.

Embark on a New Expedition

Make resolutions about exploration as much as skill improvement. Consider cruising around new and exciting locations that you haven’t visited before.

Try a New Watersport

If you’ve ever dreamed of water skiing or wakeboarding, seize the opportunity. This could be a fantastic bonding experience with your kids or a unique date idea with your partner. 

Alleviate Life’s Stress

Boaters know the calming effect of a sunset cruise. To reduce stress in 2023, ask yourself how you can make more time for boating.

Practice Random Acts of Boating Kindness

Extend kindness to fellow boaters, such as assisting with dock lines, letting others go ahead at the boat ramp, or buying gift cards for marina staff.

Minimize Your Environmental Footprint

Combat ocean plastics pollution by using reusable containers instead of disposable ones. Ensure no trash is thrown overboard, preventing harm to marine life and protecting your waters.

Create Special On-Water Moments

Make 2023 a year filled with memorable on-water experiences. Bring along family and friends to share in the joy.

December 28, 2023

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